Sunday 23 April 2017

Say No To Foreign Breed Dogs. Why? Reason Is Here

Say no to foreign breed dogs.

Indian breed Dogs are skilled in hunting and guarding, can also be trained easily.In olden days especially in south India Most of these dogs are preferred and adopted by the Royal Families of the regions they belong to.
Nowadays Indian breed dogs are said to be street dogs, definitely it is not.

we encourage people to adopt our own dog breeds, specially Indian dog breeds can adapt themselves in any kind of climates,foods etc,.

1. chippiparai
One of the many sighthound breeds originating in India, this dog is bred by royal families in Chippiparai near Madurai district Tamil Nadu. Primarily used for hunting boar, deer and hare; it was later kept as a symbol of royalty and dignity.
This breed is an Indian guard dog developed in the Rajapalayam region in Tamil Nadu. It was believed that they were used to fight against British Cavalry in a few battles. The most prized look is the milky-white coat with pink nose, although the whiter mutations come with a higher chance of deafness as with all other white coat dog breeds. Lately, they are being used by the Indian army as guards along the Kashmir border.


Kanni is a rare indigenous breed of sighthound also bred in Tamil Nadu. They are closely related to the Chippiparai and are said to be descendants of the Saluki. These breeds were built to hunt deer as they are very agile and light on their feet. Usually a silent dog, they are great as guards of their owners and easy to train. However, they act independant when on a hunt as is their disposition. This is one of the rarest breeds on the list, almost on the verge of extinction. Due to the lack of proper specimen available, no proper effort has been taken to revive the Kanni breed. 

4.kombai or combai
Another hound from South India, the Kombai (Combai) was bred to hunt boar, bison and deer since as early as the 9th Century. In comparison with the Rajapalayam, the Kombai has a tan coat with usually a black muzzle. The jaws are wider and much stronger as well. In recent times, this breed is highly endangered and can be found in scarcity in a few regions and a couple of specialized kennels.

Indian breed dogs originate obviously in India and hence are comfortable in the changing climates. They are also low maintenance due to the same reason and fall less ill. Their immunity level is high according to the climate. Some foreign breed dogs cannot live without AC, and too much heat causes them ticks and fever which again results in high medical expenses on them. The Indian breed dogs can survive in any weather.
  • contact for the best price- 8248439837 (Madurai)Tamil Nadu

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